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CNS – Advanced MCQs

A person was admitted to the emergency after bike accident happened a few moments earlier. He complains of severe pain over his right shoulder. X-ray revealed shoulder dislocation and the patient was posted for reduction procedure. Which of the following drugs is sufficient to provide adequate anesthesia in this patient?

A young boy was scheduled for a minor suture procedure for a skin cut on his right forearm. The boy was afraid of needles and agitated over the operating room environment. Doctor decided to administer ketamine. Incorrect about the given drug

A woman underwent dilation and curettage after a spontaneous abortion. General anesthesia was performed with propofol. Incorrect about the given drug

An elderly man underwent surgery to repair multiple fractures due to a car accident. Lorazepam was administered to alleviate anxiety. Fentanyl was given to decrease severe pain due to the patient condition. Ondansetron was given to prevent vomiting due to procedure. Glycopyrrolate was given to prevent sialorrhea and bradycardia. General anesthesia was induced by propofol and maintained with sevoflurane and nitrous oxide. Cisatracurium was added to ensure a complete muscle relaxation. Incorrect about nitrous oxide

A postmenopausal woman underwent surgery for breast cancer. Alprazolam was administered to alleviate anxiety. Ondansetron was given to prevent vomiting due to procedure. Glycopyrrolate was given to prevent sialorrhea and bradycardia. General anesthesia was induced by propofol and maintained with sevoflurane and nitrous oxide. Vecuronium was added to ensure a complete muscle relaxation. Incorrect about sevoflurane

A person required intubation and mechanical ventilation for management of respiratory failure after an accident at home. Cisatracurium was given intravenously to reduce chest wall resistance and ineffective spontaneous ventilation. Incorrect about the given drug

A person suffering from episodic leg cramps started a treatment with a drug that activates GABA-B receptors both in the brain and in the spinal cord. What could be given drug in this patient?

A young man visits a nearby clinic after bike accident happened a few moments earlier. He complains of burning pain due to multiple superficial skin abrasions on his right leg. Treating physician decided to apply an ointment containing local anesthetic on the wound. Which of the following local anesthetics is most suitable for the given situation?

A young man was undergoing a minor suture procedure for a skin cut on his right forearm. A solution of lidocaine plus epinephrine was infiltered around the wound to provide regional anesthesia. Incorrect about the given drug combination is

A person was scheduled for a lithotripsy to break up stones in the right ureter. Spinal anesthesia was performed with bupivacaine. Incorrect about the given drug is

A pregnant woman requested for epidural anesthesia to ease labor pains during delivery. Which of the following local anesthetics is not used for this purpose?

An elderly man suffering from metastatic prostate cancer complained of continuous bone pain and started daily treatment with oral methadone. Incorrect about the given drug

A person was admitted to the emergency department because of strong abdominal pain for the past 2 hours. A presumptive diagnosis of renal colic was made, and the patient received an intramuscular injection of pentazocine. Incorrect about the given drug

A person was brought to the emergency department after a serious car accident. The patient complained of severe pain throughout his body, and an intramuscular injection of buprenorphine was given. Incorrect about the given drug

An elderly person suffering from stage C heart failure was admitted to the emergency department because of extreme dyspnea over the past hour. After physical examination, a presumptive diagnosis of pulmonary edema was made, and an appropriate therapy was prescribed that included the intramuscular injection of morphine. Incorrect about the given drug

A pregnant woman experiencing strong and very painful contractions during labour was administered intramuscular injection of morphine for analgesia. The baby born after the normal delivery, presented with respiratory depression, pinpoint pupils, and low Apgar scores. Which of the following drugs would be appropriate for the baby at this time?

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